Instagram & Facebook Marketing Strategies for your Business

Chapter 4: A Complete Instagram and Facebook Marketing Guide

Commonality between them does not and will never guarantee that the same marketing strategies will work for both. In terms like User Demography, Use-cases, and more these both platforms are very much different.

Where groups are more dominant on Facebook, hashtags work better on Instagram and so on.

Coming to the point of this blog, I have made It clear that both of these platforms have a commonality in their foundation (policy, algorithms up to an extent, content types, etc.), and as this blog is meant for both we will just talk about those common parts.

Stay tuned for detailed blogs on individual platforms revealing secrets of Instagram and Facebook marketing that agencies like us use to grow their clients which you can use.

Before going anywhere into discussing about what and how of Marketing on Instagram or Facebook, let’s talk about the ‘why’ of Instagram and Facebook marketing.

As we know, Social Media Marketing is every business’s favorite today. Every business today wants to appeal their target customers through social media. What makes Instagram and Facebook so special is about the users.

Facebook has 3.5 Billion Users, which is the highest of all social media platforms and Instagram has the most number of online spending youth which makes it a super favorite for the consumer-oriented brands.

If you are a business owner owning a B2C Business, you are just a few clicks away from 3.5 Billion potential consumers for your product/service. Isn’t that amazing?

Step one is to Integrate your business’s Facebook and Instagram Page.

Integrating your business’s Facebook and Instagram page unlocks a lot of features that come with good benefits for your Marketing Strategies for your business.

You will no more have to take care that if you posted in both the platforms or not, post in one and other will automatically catch it up. Even if you don’t have time to post at the time, just schedule it in Facebook Creator’s Studio, yes! Facebook has its own creator’s studio.

What should you go for: Facebook vs Instagram?

In the urge of building a brand and growing numbers on Social Media, we forget to fulfill the real purpose of benefiting the business. Just followers or number of likes and comments is not taking your business profit anywhere.

It is very crucial to plan, strategies, and moreover choose that what should go for. Should we go all-in on Instagram or Facebook or should we split our efforts (Time & Money) for both of these platforms?

Now, this thing depends mainly on two things as follow:

  1. Your Business Purpose:

    Speaking of Business Purpose, it is suggested that if you are clear about every strategy and every other thing to go on social media but don’t have a clear purpose then don’t go!

    On the other side, if you have a clear purpose and no clear strategy or plan, just start now and everything will be clear on the journey.

    But what do I mean with Business Purpose?

    To give a context, an ice-cream seller in Ahmedabad, so confident about the product can have a purpose of ‘Spreading awareness to the people about my physical presence here at Shivranjani Cross Road’.

    On the other hand, a fashion show owner can have a purpose ‘To sell their garments to the people online so they don’t have to visit a physical store in the mid of a Pandemic’.

    Depending on the purpose your whole strategy and selection of platform can change upside down. So make sure you have a clear purpose before starting and stick to it for the long term to get good results.

  2. Your Target Audience

    The other thing is the target audience. You have to define your target audience first. No business can say ‘Everybody is my target audience’ never and those businesses who say this will be soon ‘Out of business’.

    Let’s take the recent ice cream seller example again. Now if the ice cream sells ice cream which is more traditionally flavored or promote as healthy ice cream including original flavors then he might be charring more.

    Now his/her target customer will be a upper than middle-class person who cares about health and hygiene and prefers traditional flavors like Rajbhog, Vanilla, Badam Pista, etc.

    To the contradictory side, if that seller sells liquid nitrogen garnished ice cream which looks more modern, has chocolate and fancy things then he might have target youngsters and not old people.

    Once you are clear of your business purpose and your business’s target audience you have aced 50% of social media marketing. You are above 90% of your competitors!

Do’s and Don’ts to Market your business on Facebook/Instagram


  • Do not play around with short-term plans. Always and only keep the vision and plan for the long term. Remember, social media growth is just like doing business. It will eventually grow only if you don’t give up. So stay intact and have a long-term vision.
  • Another thing to not do is ‘Just Posting’ on social media. If you are just doing posts on social media page doesn’t mean you are active. No, you have to do a lot of other activities also.
  • One follower is equally important to 1 Million Followers. Never think if you only have 100 followers that you can take them for granted and never think that you have 1 Million followers losing 1-2 followers doesn’t make a difference.


  • Never miss a chance to interact with your audience. Posting is one-way communication. Engage in DMs, Comments, Story replies, and a lot more ways.
  • Design your posts (creatives) using your brand colors and make an aesthetic look. This way if anybody sees your post in explorer or feed they can know in a single glance that it belongs to your brand.
  • Do preplan. Schedule your content a week prior. You never know when a creative block struck or an important client meeting heads you. Be prepared for a week, before a week.

One last do, if you want your brand to thrive on social media then do get in touch with Digipple at or visit our page for Social Media Marketing Services.

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